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When is Bat Season | What do Bats do?

Bats are fascinating creatures that often evoke a mix of curiosity and fear. With their unique ability to fly and their nocturnal lifestyle, they have captured the imagination of humans for centuries. But when is bat season, and what exactly do bats do? In this article, we will explore the different seasons when bats are most active and delve into the various behaviors and habits of these incredible mammals.

The Seasons of Bat Activity

Bat activity varies depending on the time of year and environmental conditions. While some species of bats hibernate during the winter months, others remain active throughout the year. Understanding the different seasons can provide valuable insights into bat behavior.


Spring marks the beginning of bat season in many regions. As temperatures rise and insects become more abundant, bats emerge from their hibernation or roosting sites to feed. They play a crucial role in controlling insect populations, making them valuable allies for farmers and gardeners.

During spring, female bats also gather in maternity colonies to give birth and raise their young. These colonies provide a safe environment for nursing mothers as they care for their pups. Maternity colonies can range from a few dozen individuals to hundreds or even thousands, depending on the species.


Summer is perhaps the most active season for bats. With longer nights and an abundance of insects, bats take full advantage of these favorable conditions. They venture out every night to hunt for food, consuming vast quantities of insects such as mosquitoes, moths, beetles, and flies.

Bats are highly efficient hunters thanks to their echolocation abilities. They emit high-frequency sounds that bounce off objects in their surroundings, allowing them to navigate and locate prey with remarkable precision.


As summer transitions into fall, bat activity begins to decrease. In preparation for winter hibernation or migration (in some species), bats start building up fat reserves to sustain them during the colder months. They may increase their feeding efforts to accumulate enough energy for the upcoming period of reduced activity.

Fall is also a time when bats start seeking out suitable hibernation sites. These sites often include caves, mines, and other protected areas (such as your home!) where temperatures remain relatively stable throughout the winter. Bats hibernate to conserve energy and survive when food sources are scarce.


During winter, bat activity reaches its lowest point as many species enter a state of hibernation. Hibernating bats lower their body temperature, slow down their metabolism, and reduce their heart rate in order to conserve energy. This allows them to survive on limited fat reserves until warmer temperatures arrive and insects become available again.

It is worth noting that not all bat species hibernate during winter. Some migrate to warmer regions where they can find sufficient food year-round. Migration patterns vary depending on the species, with some traveling short distances while others embark on long-distance journeys spanning hundreds or even thousands of miles.

Bat Activity By Month

Below is great understanding of bat activity throughout the year by month. It is important to note that a warmer winter can result in this timeline moving up. We see this commonly in Maryland and Virginia where we can have very mild winters which result in bats coming out earlier, having babies earlier, etc...

  • January – Winter hibernation – bats are in torpor - a state where their breathing is slowed and metabolism and body temperatures are lowered in order to conserve energy.
  • February – Still in hibernation, however fat reserves by now are running low.
  • March – Some begin coming out to find food as it gets warmer.
  • April – Most have gone out of hibernation by now and are very active and very hungry, they’ll be out foraging for food every night.
  • May – Mother bats are now forming bat maternity colonies and searching for a roosting site
  • June – Baby bats are born. Adult bats are consuming large amounts of insects.
  • July – Mother bats feed and take care of their pups.
  • August – Six-week-old pups can now catch bugs by themselves and the females are leaving the roost to find males for mating.
  • September – Mating season! They are now also consuming large amounts of food to build fat stores in preparation for the winter.
  • October – Still more mating. They’re also looking for hibernation sites now. Some periods of inactivity (torpor) to conserve energy.
  • November – Longer periods of torpor as insects are getting harder to find. Some have started hibernating.
  • December – Winter Hibernation.

The Importance of Bats

Bats play a vital role in maintaining ecosystem balance and contributing to human well-being. Their voracious appetite for insects helps control pest populations naturally, reducing the need for chemical pesticides in agriculture and protecting crops from damage.

Additionally, bats are important pollinators for many plant species, including fruits such as bananas, mangoes, and avocados. By spreading pollen from flower to flower as they feed on nectar or fruit pulp, bats facilitate plant reproduction and contribute to biodiversity.

Professional Bat Exclusion Services

While bats are extremely beneficial to the ecosystem, if they are in your home, likely your attic, that becomes a dangerous situation quickly due to their guano being toxic. Environmental Pest Control has a wildlife removal division that understands how to humanely remove bats from your property. Give us a call if you believe you have bats in your home.


Bat season encompasses different periods throughout the year when these extraordinary creatures are most active. From spring maternity colonies to summer feeding frenzies and fall preparations for hibernation or migration, bats exhibit a remarkable array of behaviors.

Understanding bat behavior and their ecological importance is crucial for conservation efforts and promoting coexistence between humans and bats. By appreciating the role bats play in our ecosystems, we can work towards protecting these fascinating creatures and the invaluable services they provide. So next time you see a bat swooping through the night sky, remember the important role it plays in our natural world.

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