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Tips to Prevent Spiders This Fall

As the leaves turn vibrant hues and the air grows crisp, fall brings a unique charm to our surroundings. However, it also marks the time when spiders seek refuge from the cooling temperatures, often finding their way into our homes. While spiders play a crucial role in controlling other pests, having them indoors can be unsettling for many. Fortunately, there are several effective strategies you can employ to keep these eight-legged invaders at bay this fall.

Understand Why Spiders Enter Homes

Before diving into prevention tips, it's essential to understand why spiders enter homes during the fall. As temperatures drop, spiders look for warm and sheltered places to survive through winter. Your home provides an ideal environment with plenty of hiding spots and potential food sources like insects.

Seal Entry Points

One of the most effective ways to prevent spiders from entering your home is by sealing off their entry points. Inspect your windows, doors, and foundation for any cracks or gaps that could serve as entryways. Use caulk or weather stripping to seal these openings. Pay special attention to areas where utility lines enter your home; these are common access points for spiders.

Keep Your Home Clean

Spiders thrive in cluttered environments where they can easily hide and build webs. Regular cleaning can significantly reduce their presence:

  • Declutter: Remove unnecessary items from floors, shelves, and corners.
  • Vacuum Regularly: Vacuuming not only removes existing webs but also eliminates small insects that serve as spider food.
  • Dust Frequently: Dusting helps remove egg sacs and prevents new webs from forming.

Reduce Outdoor Attractants

Spiders often find their way inside after being attracted to outdoor lighting or vegetation close to your home's exterior:

  • Turn Off Exterior Lights: Or use yellow or sodium vapor bulbs which are less attractive to insects.
  • Trim Vegetation: Keep shrubs, trees, and other plants trimmed back from your home's exterior walls.
  • Remove Debris: Clear away leaves, woodpiles, and other debris where spiders may hide.

Use Natural Repellents

Several natural substances can deter spiders without resorting to chemical pesticides:

  • Essential Oils: Peppermint oil is particularly effective; mix a few drops with water in a spray bottle and apply it around entry points.
  • Vinegar: A solution of vinegar and water can be sprayed along baseboards and window sills.
  • Chestnuts & Hedge Apples: Placing these around your home is believed by some to repel spiders naturally.

Install Screens

Installing screens on windows and doors adds an extra layer of protection against spider entry:

  • Ensure all screens fit tightly without gaps.
  • Repair any tears or holes promptly.

Control Indoor Humidity

Spiders prefer moist environments. By reducing indoor humidity levels, you make your home less inviting:

  • Use dehumidifiers in damp areas like basements.
  • Fix leaky pipes or faucets promptly.

Professional Pest Control

If you've tried various methods without success or if you have a significant spider infestation, consider hiring professional pest control services. Experts can identify specific species causing problems and apply targeted treatments safely. Environmental Pest Control provides year round spider prevention and protection on our Standard Care Plan.


Preventing spiders from invading your home this fall involves a combination of proactive measures—from sealing entry points and maintaining cleanliness to using natural repellents and managing outdoor attractants. By understanding what draws these arachnids indoors in the first place, you can implement strategies that keep them outside where they belong while enjoying a cozy spider-free autumn season inside!

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