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Squirrel Attic Sounds

Imagine sitting in your living room, enjoying a quiet evening, when suddenly you hear peculiar noises coming from above. It sounds like scratching, scurrying, and maybe even chattering. These unsettling sounds are often caused by squirrels that have taken up residence in your attic. In this blog post, we will explore why squirrels invade attics, the types of sounds they make, and what you can do to address this issue.

Why Do Squirrels Invade Attics?

Squirrels are resourceful creatures that seek shelter and warmth, especially during colder months. Your attic provides an ideal environment for them due to its insulation and protection from predators. Here are some common reasons why squirrels might choose your attic as their new home:

  • Nesting: Female squirrels look for safe places to raise their young. An attic offers a secure location away from the elements.
  • Food Storage: Squirrels gather food such as nuts and seeds to store for winter months. Your attic can serve as an excellent storage space.
  • Warmth: During winter, squirrels seek warm places to stay. The insulation in attics makes them particularly attractive.

Types of Squirrel Sounds in the Attic

Recognizing the specific sounds made by squirrels can help you identify if they are indeed the culprits behind the noise in your attic. Here are some common squirrel sounds:

Scratching and Gnawing

Squirrels have strong teeth that they use to gnaw on various materials. You might hear persistent scratching or chewing noises as they create entry points or build nests within your attic's structure.


Squirrels are agile climbers and runners. The sound of tiny feet scampering across the ceiling is a clear indicator of their presence.


Squirrels communicate with each other through vocalizations that include chattering or squeaking noises. If you hear these sounds combined with other activities like scurrying or scratching, it's likely you have multiple squirrels.

Rolling Noises

Squirrels often bring acorns or other nuts into attics for storage. You might hear rolling noises as these items move around.

How to Address Squirrel Infestations

Once you've identified that squirrels are causing the noise in your attic, it's important to take steps to remove them humanely and prevent future infestations:


Conduct a thorough inspection of your home’s exterior to locate entry points such as holes or gaps where squirrels could enter.

Sealing Entry Points

Seal any identified entry points using materials like steel mesh or hardware cloth that squirrels cannot chew through.


Use humane traps designed specifically for squirrels to capture and relocate them safely away from your home.

Professional Help

If you're unable to handle the situation on your own, consider hiring wildlife control professionals who specialize in squirrel removal.

Prevention Measures

Implement preventive measures such as trimming tree branches near your roofline and installing chimney caps to deter future squirrel invasions.


Hearing strange noises coming from your attic can be alarming, but understanding that these sounds may be caused by squirrels helps demystify the situation. By recognizing their nesting habits and identifying their distinct sounds, you can take proactive steps to address squirrel infestations humanely and effectively. Remember always to follow local wildlife regulations when dealing with animal intrusions in your home.

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