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Pest Control Gardening: What to plant in your garden this year to repel pests

Gardening is a rewarding activity that not only provides you with fresh produce but also beautifies your surroundings. However, one of the most challenging aspects of maintaining a healthy garden is managing pests without resorting to harsh chemicals. The good news is that nature offers its own solutions in the form of pest-repelling plants. Incorporating these into your garden can minimize the need for chemical pesticides, creating a more eco-friendly environment. This guide will introduce you to some of the most effective plants you can grow this year to keep pests at bay.

The Power of Aromatic Herbs

Herbs are not only useful for cooking; they also play a significant role in pest control gardening. Many herbs produce strong scents that pests find unpleasant, effectively keeping them away from your precious plants.

  • Basil emits an aroma that repels mosquitoes and flies. Planting basil around outdoor seating areas or along windowsills can help reduce these pests' presence.
  • Lavender, while loved by humans for its calming scent, is a deterrent for moths, fleas, flies, and mosquitoes. Its beautiful purple blooms add color and fragrance to any garden.
  • Rosemary and Sage are known to repel cabbage moths and carrot flies, making them excellent companions for vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, carrots, and beans.

Marigolds: The Golden Guardian

Marigolds are not just pretty flowers; they are mighty warriors in disguise. Their distinctive smell is offensive to many types of insects, including aphids and mosquitoes. Additionally, planting marigolds near tomatoes can deter tomato hornworms. These vibrant flowers make an excellent border or addition to vegetable gardens.

Alliums: The Natural Barrier

Alliums include garlic, onions, chives, and leeks and are known for their strong scents which many pests find off-putting. They are particularly effective against slugs, aphids, carrot flies, and cabbage worms. Planting alliums strategically throughout your garden can protect neighboring plants from these common pests.

Nasturtiums: The Trap Crop

Nasturtiums serve as a perfect trap crop because their bright blooms attract aphids and other pests away from more valuable plants. By sacrificing nasturtiums, you can keep other parts of your garden healthier and more productive.

Chrysanthemums: The Insecticide Flower

Chrysanthemums contain pyrethrin, a compound used in many natural insecticides. They can repel roaches, ants, Japanese beetles, ticks, silverfish, lice, fleas, bedbugs among others. Planting chrysanthemums around patios or along garden borders can significantly reduce pest populations. Fun Fact: Environmental Pest Controls Mosquito & Tick Seasonal Plan uses a product that is derived from the chrysanthemum plant making it safe for the environment.


Integrating pest-repelling plants into your garden is an effective way to manage pests naturally while enhancing your garden's beauty and biodiversity. Each plant mentioned offers unique benefits beyond just pest control—providing aromatics for cooking (herbs), vibrant colors (marigolds), culinary ingredients (alliums), trap crops (nasturtiums), and even natural insecticide components (chrysanthemums). By planning your garden with these dual-purpose plants in mind this year; you'll create a healthier environment for both you and the local wildlife while reducing the need for chemical interventions.

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